Mazda 323

since 1985 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mazda 323

+ Introduction
+ Petrol engines
+ Engine lubrication system
+ Engine cooling system
+ System of ignition
+ Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel
+ Diesel engine
+ System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ Coupling
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Suspension bracket and system of steering
+ Brake system
+ Wheels and tires, body, coloring of the car, care of the car
- System of electric equipment
   Search of malfunctions of electric system
   Check of the switch on a current transmission
   Check of the relay
   Check of the motor of a screen wiper
   Verification of indexes of turn
   Check of stoplights
   Check of a heater of back glass
   Separation and connection of cable plugs
   Arrangement of safety locks
   Replacement of safety locks
   Removal and installation of the battery
   Check of the battery
   The battery is discharged in itself
   Battery charging
   Storage of the battery
   Security measures for the generator of alternating current
   Check of tension of the generator
   Removal and installation of the generator
   Generator components
   Dismantling generator/replacement of coal brushes
   Removal and installation of a starter
   Check/replacement of the traction relay of a starter
+ Heater, system of lighting, devices
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
+ Electric circuits


Check of the battery

There are two possibilities of check of the battery. Depending on a way of check various measuring devices are necessary.

Check of density of electrolyte


  1. Check of density of electrolyte together with voltage measurement allows to draw an exact conclusion on extent of battery charging. For check the areometer which can cheap be bought in specialized trade is used. The more electrolyte density, the more emerges a float. On a scale it is possible to remove values of density in terms of the specific weight (g/ml) or degrees Baum (°va). The following values (have to be reached at a temperature of electrolyte of +20 °C).

Charging degree Petrol engine Diesel engine
+ ° Ve g/ml + ° Ve g/ml
it is discharged 8 1,06 11 1,08
it is half loaded 20 1,16 22 1,18
it is well loaded 30 1,26 32 1,28
  1. To check serially each can of the battery, electrolyte in all banks has to have identical density (the maximum difference of 0,04 g/ml. Otherwise it is possible to draw a conclusion on malfunction of the battery.

Check of the battery under loading


  1. To connect the voltmeter to battery poles.

If battery tension (without the connected consumers) is lower than 12 V, the battery is discharged and it needs to be loaded.

  1. To start the engine and to consider value of tension.
  2. At start tension of the charged battery should not fall lower than 8 V (at a temperature of electrolyte of +20 °C).
  3. If tension falls at once and in banks various density is revealed, it indicates malfunction of the battery.
  4. The general tension can be measured by a tester for batteries. To observe the instruction for application.

Values when checking

Capacity of Ach Test current And Current of loading And The minimum tension in 5-10 sec. at a temperature from 0 to +204 °C
54 265 200 9,4 B
64 380 300 9,0 B
88 395 300 9,5 B

If at this measurement (during 10 sec.) the general tension falls below the given value, the battery either is discharged, or is faulty.