Mazda 323

since 1985 release

Repair and operation of the car

Mazda 323

+ Introduction
+ Petrol engines
+ Engine lubrication system
+ Engine cooling system
+ System of ignition
+ Power supply system, carburetor, system of injection of fuel
+ Diesel engine
+ System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ Coupling
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Suspension bracket and system of steering
+ Brake system
+ Wheels and tires, body, coloring of the car, care of the car
- System of electric equipment
   Search of malfunctions of electric system
   Check of the switch on a current transmission
   Check of the relay
   Check of the motor of a screen wiper
   Verification of indexes of turn
   Check of stoplights
   Check of a heater of back glass
   Separation and connection of cable plugs
   Arrangement of safety locks
   Replacement of safety locks
   Removal and installation of the battery
   Check of the battery
   The battery is discharged in itself
   Battery charging
   Storage of the battery
   Security measures for the generator of alternating current
   Check of tension of the generator
   Removal and installation of the generator
   Generator components
   Dismantling generator/replacement of coal brushes
   Removal and installation of a starter
   Check/replacement of the traction relay of a starter
+ Heater, system of lighting, devices
+ Governing bodies and methods of operation
+ Electric circuits


Security measures for the generator of alternating current

  • During the works on electric system in a motive compartment it is obligatory to disconnect a cable of mass of the battery.

At the same time data from memory of the electronic monitor of system of injection and a protective code of the radio receiver are erased. Therefore before shutdown it is obligatory to read instructions in the Section Removal and installation of the battery.

  • Not to mix cables of the regulator of tension and the generator. To mark cables before shutdown by an adhesive tape.
  • Not to switch-off the battery or the regulator of tension on the working engine.
  • Not to remove the generator at the connected battery.
  • At electric welding it is obligatory to switch-off the battery.